Prevent disputes
Merchants can take various steps to protect themselves from fraud and disputes. While there is no one-size-fits-all approach, merchants can take several measures to stay confident in the security and validity of their transactions. These steps include:
- Having a clear refund/return policy and explicit terms of service: Giving customers clear directions and options can help prevent non-fraud-related disputes.
- Regular site and business audit: For businesses with online payment forms, ensuring the security of the form and the site is crucial to discovering flaws before a criminal does. This includes ensuring plugins are up to date, the SSL certificate is current and working, conducting regular malware scans, using strong passwords, and encrypting customer communication.
- PCI Compliance: Depending on the partner's integration, they may take advantage of their payment facilitator's Level 1 PCI compliance, which extends to the sub-merchants to ensure that security compliance meets the PCI Council's requirements.
- AVS and CVV Verification: Especially for online transactions, verifying an AVS and CVV match is critical before releasing any goods or services. A mismatch in this data may indicate that the customer does not have the card in their possession.